
Get Trippy With Local Marketing


Previously I wrote about why photographers should use Pinterest.

Today I want to share another website, similar to Pinterest. However, this bookmarking tool has a niche that is great for photographers.

Meet Trippy

“travel boards are visual collections of places where you’ve been or want to go”


Like Pinterest, you can pin (or bookmark) places you’ve been, want to go, or photographed. But there is more to it than that.  Let’s say you’re a travel photographer.  Create Trippy boards for each state or country you’ve been.  Then pin different photos from each location.  Make sure your description has a natural tone and is not a sales pitch.  Then browse around boards from others within the same locations, comment and mark as “i’ve been”.  Be engaging with others and you may find yourself eventually selling prints to new customers.

Let’s say you’re a destination wedding photographer.  Could this be any better for reaching potential customers?  Follow the tip I gave above and do the same for marketing to specific locations you want jobs.

But that’s not all.  Currently you can also customize the anchor text within your profile which means you can create the perfect backlink from within your profile.

So go ahead and create a Trippy profile.  Then come back here and let me know if you discovered a new strategy by commenting below.

Thanks for reading,


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Trippy seems to be a very interesting solution, but obviously it is not possible any more to customize the anchor text in order to create a backlink.

      1. Hi Scott,
        Meanwhile I have found the way to change my profile as descibed! Thank you!

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