5 things to think about when planning a creative photography project

The best photographic projects stem from a fascination with the subject matter. You will be spending a lot of time working on any particular project, so make sure you feel inspired, motivated, and ready to return to it many times. I see plenty of photographers shoot subjects that seem to be ‘on trend’ rather than something they are intrigued by. If you like photographing teapots, then go for it, the images will reflect your passion. The breadth and quality photographs will reflect the effort put in.

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Get Started in Photography with Aperture

If you are just getting started with photography, and not going to school for it (which is totally okay), then you don't want to miss this. Watching video tutorials and then trying it for yourself is the best way to learn when you have nowhere else to turn. In this video, you will learn about aperture and how to use your camera to get a really good understanding of how aperture works. i.e., using Aperture Priority mode.

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How to use a tripod the right way
A tripod with bracing struts is often recommended for video because of its extra stability; a geared center column is also a bonus. In an all-purpose tripod however, I recommend one without struts because those components make it impossible to fully splay the legs for low level placement of the camera.

How to use a tripod the right way

In this video, you will learn how to use a tripod the right way. Because the last thing you want is your camera hitting the floor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI7hAU1roaE

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